Built on Faith: Hidden Truth Jewelry

Built on Faith is a Q&A-based series spotlighting Christian business owners.

I was so delighted to have the opportunity to interview Ashley Weston, the owner and designer of Hidden Truth Jewelry™, because one of her pieces is one of my all-time favorite gifts I’ve ever received. You all know that, by day, I run a marketing, public relations, and events company. Three years ago this week, my teammates gave me one of Ashley’s necklaces in honor of my 40th birthday. I have received more compliments on that piece than on any other piece of jewelry I own. That’s not why I wear it, though. I wear it because it’s a testament to my faith, and because, on the back, inscribed on it, is a powerful verse that I’m grateful my team chose for me to wear.

My Hidden Truth necklace has Isaiah 40:31 inscribed on the back: “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”

When I decided to begin the Built on Faith series of spotlights on faith-led business owners, Ashley was one of the very first people I thought of. I hope you enjoy learning about her as much as I did. What started as a fun activity sculpting clay with her mom has turned into a business that has sold tens of thousands of pieces of jewelry, equipping women with the powerful Word of God.

A bit about Ashley Weston

Ashley Weston was born and raised in South Carolina and graduated from Clemson University. She and her husband have been married for thirteen years and have two children.

After working in the insurance industry for fifteen years, Ashley started a new jewelry line, Hidden Truth Jewelry, in January 2016.  Hidden Truth Jewelry was inspired by the Lord and created to encourage women and girls in faith by inscribing scripture on the back of each piece to spread the gospel and glorify God.
Ashley enjoys leading Bible studies, going on short-term mission trips to Nicaragua and feels passionate about encouraging and empowering women in every stage of their life.  Ashley loves the Lord and seeks daily to humbly follow him and intentionally love others by leaving eternal imprints of Jesus’ love with everyone she meets.

…and a bit about Hidden Truth Jewelry

Hidden Truth Jewelry crafts beautiful handmade Christian jewelry that brings peace, strength, and joy to busy women by reminding them of God’s Word. 

Their 100% authentic gemstone and semiprecious stone cross necklaces, bracelets, and earrings are tools for sharing God’s Love. They are great Christian gifts. Every purchase supports women and girls fighting cancer.

Q: Tell us how Hidden Truth Jewelry was born.

Ashley: God planted a seed in my heart to have a women’s ministry back in 2007, and I
began praying that he’d make a way for me to work from home to be with my children
and also to encourage women. However, God told me it was not time, and I had to wait.

After praying for seven years, God finally released me from my job in Corporate America to step out in faith, leaving behind financial security and jumping into the unknown to what He was calling me. After six months of my trying to figure out what was next (and beginning to allow anxiety to take over), my mom (who was a very successful artist) playfully came over to try and make jewelry for fun. We did not know what we were doing, but as I began sculpting clay, I very clearly heard the Lord’s whisper to inscribe my favorite Bible verse on the back of the piece I had just created. I made it into a necklace and began to wear this necklace with Proverbs 3:5 on the back.

The scripture Ashley inscribed on the first piece of jewelry she ever made (and her life verse). A Bible verse is inscribed on each piece of Hidden Truth Jewelry.

Every time a situation would pop up that would cause me to worry, I would grab a hold of the medallion and declare God’s promise in Proverbs 3:5 that was hanging around my neck. Every time, God’s overwhelming peace would comfort and guard my heart as I was reminded I was God’s beloved daughter and He would work it out for me. That was His word and His promise. As the giants of fear and worry were defeated every time this would happen, I heard a whisper to start making jewelry …that, just maybe, there were other women like me struggling with worry that could use this beautiful tool around their neck and in their heart.

Three months later after my first trunk show, a lady came over to shop the jewelry at my house, and I again heard God whisper with this instruction, “Now, I want you to pray and bless every person that buys jewelry.” So after this lady purchased jewelry, I fought fear and courageously asked her if I could pray over her, which led to tears of healing from the encouragement that God spoke forth out of my mouth to her. Hidden Truth Jewelry was birthed.

Q: What was the most challenging aspect of starting the business?

Ashley: Looking at the big picture of things. I didn’t know how it would all work out, so I just focused on what the next small step was that God was directing me to do and did that! And still do!

Q: How has your faith fueled your creativity in the design of the pieces? Do the designs just come to you?

Ashley: I press into God each day and spend a lot of time with Him every morning. I seek His thoughts and what He wants me to know for the day. He instructs me, corrects me, and guides me, and the creativity and jewelry flow from these intimate yet powerful moments with Him daily.

Q: What do you think is the no. 1 reason Hidden Truth has grown since it started in 2016?

Ashley: Total surrender to God. Trust, obedience, and humility, knowing it’s not me but God. Faith over fear always. Not looking at what things appear to be, but what they truly are in His Kingdom.

Q: Have you ever experienced a dry season, whether creatively or financially (in sales)? How did you navigate through that?

Ashley: Just like in the law of sowing and reaping, if you have a plant that is dried up, you water it! When I have experienced dry seasons, I have pressed in more than before to the Lord. Surrounding myself in more community, prayer, praise and worship….until the JOY comes back…and as it does, my heart gets watered and nourished!

Q: Give us an idea of your Spiritual disciplines. Do you have a daily/weekly routine?

Ashley: Daily praise, worship and coffee date with Jesus every morning for one to two hours. Constant listening for Him and His instructions throughout the day and then acting when He prompts. Weekly fasting to grow in walking by His spirit and not my flesh.

Q: Describe how God has moved in a way you’d never have expected, to help you, open a door, reveal an idea, put special people in your path, etc.

Ashley: It’s a new adventure every day. I can never lose hope because God can open a door that I never saw coming in an instant. I try always to stay alert and sober-minded to “God-appointments” and try never to judge the surface of things. God has brought forth so many miracles of healing, salvation, prophesy, and revelation through the sale of jewelry …never would I have ever imagined that these were what I was praying for during those seven long years of hard waiting.

Q: What’s your favorite piece and what’s the story behind it?

Ashley: My favorite piece is the 18” Clear Quartz with Camellia blossom. It has my life verse (the one that birthed Hidden Truth Jewelry, Proverbs 3:5). I love the rawness of the gemstone, as it reflects how I always try to be …real and raw with God and others; in total surrender and submission to Him. And the Camellia blossom reflects the huge gift of JOY He has given me, as flowers always make me happy…especially PINK camellia blossoms! Proverbs 3:5 is my life verse because God has continually taken me deeper and deeper into trusting Him. It’s a safeguard for me, as my personality constantly wants to go hard and fast…determined…but when I remember it’s Him, not me, and trust Him, not me, everything changes.

Q: If you could use one word to describe the spirit of Hidden Truth Jewelry, what would it be?

Ashley: JOY! Submission to the Lord has produced an abundant fruit of JOY in me, and I pass that along in every piece that is created!

Q: What is your favorite Christian-based business outside of your own? What do you love about them?

Ashley: Proverbs 31 Ministries— I love all the wisdom that comes forth from this! And I always have a heart for all the small unknown businesses that I meet at craft shows! I love hearing their stories and how God led them to begin…and then the courage they have for putting their faith in action!

Learn more…

Show your support for Ashley and Hidden Truth Jewelry by visiting (and shopping!) their site, signing up to receive special offers, and following them on Facebook and Instagram.

Exclusive giveaway!

Ashley has so graciously given The Daily Dove followers an opportunity to win these incredible Confetti Double Dangle Earrings, valued at $37.00! Entering couldn’t be easier! Just go to The Daily Dove’s Instagram page for details!

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