Dear Lord,
Today I find myself in the vice grip of anxiety, fearfully stuck in thoughts that I know have more control over me than I seem to have control over them.
But You tell me clearly that You’ve given me a spirit of power and of love and of sound judgment and of self-control and not a spirit of fear. Deliver me from this state of worry, God. I pray now for Your healing light to shine upon me, and for You to rescue me from the darker sides of myself.
Spirit of worry, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to leave me and bother me no more. Holy Spirit and Great Comforter, fill me will the peace of Christ until I am overflowing – the undeniable peace that passes all of my understanding and that comes only from You, God.
Today I cast my net into Your deep waters, oh Lord. You are my shepherd, and I follow You through the shadow of the valley of death, but I fear no evil, for You are with me. Your Holy Spirit comforts me. Your Word upholds and fortifies me. Your grace and mercy cover me all the days of my life.

Gratefully, I inhale the Breath of Life. This day, I do not worry, but with prayer and petition, and with thanksgiving, I present my requests to You. Scan the depths of my soul, and sweep out the cobwebs where they lurk, Lord. Where there is decay, open a window to Your Light and Truth. In the places I’ve hidden out of attempts to protect myself from pain, apply the divine salve of Your love and let me be bold in coming forth with my whole self, to try again in my life.
I pray to be transformed by the renewing of my mind by meditating on all that is good, all that is noble, all that is pure, all that is lovely, whatever is admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. Shield my senses from the what the world wants to convince me is for my good. Allow my gaze to settle and remain on You, the gifts You’ve given me, and the promises You have for me.
I praise You today and everyday. There is nothing You cannot do in my life. I call on You and You hear me. I seek You and You find me. I am never alone. You love me with a love that is deeper than I can ever fathom, a love from which I am born and into which I will return when it’s time. Thank You for this day. It is a day on a more meaningful journey. I commit it to You with a loving spirit.
In the holy and precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray.