Gracious God, you are my home. No matter where I am in this life – for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, wandering or worshiping – you welcome me home every hour, every day. For this standing homecoming, I am eternally grateful.
Create in me a heart made of flesh and not stone. Cleanse my spirit so that I can receive you full to my brim, and overflow with the words, the deeds, and the motives that are in lockstep with those of Jesus.
Slow me down so that I may hear your voice, heed your guidance, recognize that which I’m called to do, and do it in unwavering, courageous obedience. Remind me that hurrying and rush are some of the enemy’s favorite tools of distracting me, and that great things take time. Don’t let me miss you in the mayhem, Lord.
Transform my eyes to those of Christ. Anoint my ears so that I may hear the whispers of my own heart. Enlighten the truth before me, and affix my focus to it like the magi to the star that led them to the Messiah. Take me, unashamedly and gladly, to my knees to offer thanksgiving for each and every blessing, not only those I see but also those I do not see.
Create in me a pure heart, o God, and renew a steadfast spirit in me.
Psalms 51:10 NIV